The purpose of this training school is to provide a hands-on practical session on tools and techniques used for the analysis of protein ubiquitylation and SUMOylation in living cells. The course is aimed at early stage researchers (PhD students, post-docs) who are interested in learning ubiquitin/SUMO-related techniques. The practical sessions will introduce diverse methodologies, ranging from in vitro assays to live cell imaging. The program will include practical sessions, short presentations from each trainee as well as lectures from the organizers and invited speakers. The practical sessions will be performed primarily (but not exclusively) using yeast as a model system, yet the concepts of the techniques that will be learned are transferrable to other model systems. The schedule will be organized to foster scientific discussions and interactions between the trainees, trainers and invited speakers. Hence, this training school will not only be an opportunity for the participants to learn new techniques, but it should also inspire future exchanges between labs of the PROTEOSTASIS network. The techniques proposed will be fundamental for the research of groups from all the WGs in PROTEOSTASIS. In addition, the course will be open to less experienced labs in order to spread the knowledge in this discipline.
The organizers of the activity and trainers are key members of the PROTEOSTASIS network: Sébastien Léon, Benoît Palancade, Gwenaël Rabut.
Contact: Sébastien Léon, Benoît Palancade, Gwenaël Rabut
Place: París, France