Dr. Olivier Coux, Vice-Chair of the Action, attended the IUBMB Focused Meeting on «Molecular aspects of aging and longevity», held in Athens (Greece) between the 16th and the 19th October 2019. The meeting addressed molecular mechanisms of aging and longevity as a pre-requisite for developing appropriate means of increasing “healthy lifespan”. The Meeting focused on these axes, by integrating the latest research developments and new technologies from internationally acknowledged experts as well as attracting young scientists in the field and to give them the opportunity to discuss with experts.
Dr. Coux has delivered a scientific talk in a topic related to the work carried out in the framework of PROTEOSTASIS : “Regulating the regulator: PIP30, a novel cofactor of the nuclear activator of the proteasome, PA28gamma”. Besides, Dr. Coux has delivered a specific presentation regarding the PROTEOSTASIS network achievements, milestones and impact in the research community, as well as the networking activities implemented during the last 4 years.
Further information about the meeting available at the following Website: http://www.iubmb2017aging.org/