Dr. Rosa Barrio, Chair of the Action, participated in the COST Programme Infoday organized by IKERBASQUE (Basque Foundation for Science), in Bilbao (Spain), 26th May 2017. Dr. Barrio was invited to give a talk about PROTEOSTASIS, by sharing her experience as Chair and Grant Holder, and the challenges of coordinating the network. The event counted also with the participation of Amaia Esquisabel, Director of the Basque Government Department for Education, and José Luis Martín, Basque Country University Vice- Rector of Research. The event was attended by the COST Spanish representative, several researcher from the Basque Country and other COST Action participants. PROTEOSTASIS implementation and achievements generated a great interest among the audience.
Dr. Rosa Barrio, Chair of the Action, participated in the COST Programme Infoday organized by IKERBASQUE in Bilbao, 26th May 2017