The ZOMES meetings focus on the biology of the three “PCI” complexes, the proteasome, the COP9 signalosome, and eIF3 and on ubiquitin ligases. The study of large protein complexes -“ZOMES” – poses unique issues and difficulties, and the ZOMES meetings aim at providing a forum for discussing the connections between these complexes and central signaling pathways.
This year the meeting is organized locally by Giovanna Serino (MC Substitute from Italy, WG1), Rodolfo Negri (WG2), Teresa Rinaldi (WG2) and Simona Polo (Italian MC Representative, WG3).. The main topic of this meeting is on the core components of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway which is one of the key regulator of cellular proteostasis.
The goal of this organized meeting between ZOMES and PROTEOSTASIS is to bring together researchers from diverse fields, who normally have no venue to meet, to initiate joint efforts for studying the functioning of these complexes. This is a unique meeting in which scientists such as cancer researchers and plant scientists interact freely and exchange ideas, providing a forum for cross-fertilization which is absent in most specialized meetings.
Zomes IX: PCI complexes and Ubiquitin defining a hub for protein homeostasis (CO-ORGANIZED BY PROTEOSTASIS)

Event Date: 14 February, 2017 to 17 February, 2017